Monday, June 20, 2011

Dreadful "Dads" Day

I haven't blogged in awhile. Mostly because I didn't think I would have to. As usual, my D.A.D.S. left my life without a breeze. He was gone. I only thought about him when his name was spoken in conversations with his family. Silly me. He of course has to come back to (excuse me if I'm being overdramatic) haunt me for "Father's Day". Appearing on my Google Chat before the dreadful day, he stayed there til I signed off. After running into him at a restaurant hotspot I was nervous, and the horrible green dot next to his name in my chat bar was icing on the poisoned cake. Needless to say, those two jolting reminders of my blog have brought me bounding faithfully back to it. I believe I am here to stay. Whether he leaves again, or not.

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